Who is my LBR Lead?
If you work for the NHS in Yorkshire and the Humber or East Midlands you may be eligible to fund your studies through the Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) contract.
Some trusts have a dedicated LBR lead who approves funding applications. Other trusts let line managers approve applications for their staff.
If your trust has an LBR lead please use the following tables to identify them, based on your workplace.
Derbyshire LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Maxine Simmons | WDF/CPD Lead | Chesterfield | Chesterfield Royal NHS Foundation Trust |
01246 513 619 |
Esther Almond | Deputy WDF/CPD Lead | Chesterfield | Chesterfield Royal NHS Foundation Trust |
01246 513 619 |
Sarah Backhouse/Kath Hulkorey | Acting LBR Lead | º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust | Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter New Road, Derby, DE22 3NE | ddccg.gpworkforce@nhs.net 01332 785413 |
Barbara Day | LBR Lead | º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust | Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter New Road, Derby, DE22 3NE | ddccg.gpworkforce@nhs.net 01332 785413 |
Faith Sango Tracy Shaw |
Head of People Development Services People Development Lead |
Derbyshire Community Health Services; Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |
Education Centre, Kingsway Site, Derby, DE22 3LZ |
HEEM Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire | ||||
Workforce Development Funding | East Midlands Ambulance Services | wdfapplications@emas.nhs.uk |
Leicestershire & Rutland LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Nicky McCormack | Workforce Transformation Manager | HEEM Leicestershire & Northamptonshire | nmccormack1@nhs.net | |
Alison O'Donnell | Pathways to Learning and Education Lead | Leicestershire Partnership Trust | Unit 25, The Warrens, Warren Park Way, Enderby, Leicestershire, LE19 4SA |
LBREnquiries@leicspart.nhs.uk 0116 295 0981 |
Eleanor Meldrum | Assistant Director of Nursing | º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals Leicester | eleanor.meldrum@uhl-tr.nhs.uk 0116 256 3097 |
Workforce Development Funding | East Midlands Ambulance Services | wdfapplications@emas.nhs.uk |
Lincolnshire LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Jeanette Shepherd | Workforce Development & Planning Manager | HEEM Lincolnshire Workforce Team | jeanette.shepherd@hee.nhs.uk | |
Helen Smith | Workforce Lead | HEEM Lincolnshire Workforce Team | Managed Workspace, Greetwell Place, Limekiln Way, off Greetwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 4US |
helen.smith2@nhs.net 01522 580 980 |
Emma Lee | Head of Learning and Organisational Development | Lincolnshire Community Health Services | ||
Angela Bradley | L&D Funding & Commissioning Lead | Learning and Development People & Innovation Directorate Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust | Beech House Witham Park Waterside South Lincoln LN5 7JH | 01522 308769 / 07583086211 angelabradley@nhs.net |
Kay Gilman | Learning and Development Manager | Lincolnshire Partnership FT | Kay.Gilman@lpft.nhs.uk | |
David Knight | Workforce Development Manager | Lincolnshire Partnership FT | david.knight@lpft.nhs.uk | |
(To Be Confirmed) | LBR Manager | United Lincolnshire Hospitals | Lincoln County Hospital, Greetwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 4AX |
clinicaleducationteam@ulh.nhs.uk |
Workforce Development Funding | East Midlands Ambulance Services | wdfapplications@emas.nhs.uk |
Northampton LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Chris Lawson | Workforce Transformation Manager | HEEM Leicestershire and Northamptonshire | chris.lawson1@nhs.net | |
Leanne Hackshall | Deputy LBR Lead | Kettering General Hospital | Leanne.hackshall@kgh.nhs.uk 01536 493 527 |
Sheila Turner | LBR Lead | Kettering General Hospital | sheila.turner@kgh.nhs.uk 01536 493 772 |
Gillian Ashworth | Deputy LBR Lead | Northampton General Hospital | gillian.ashworth@ngh.nhs.uk 01604 544 658 |
Julie Brice | LBR Lead (Primary) | Northamptonshire Healthcare Trust | julie.brice@nhft.nhs.uk | |
Kate Howard | LBR Lead (Deputy) | Northamptonshire Healthcare Trust | kate.howard@nhft.nhs.uk | |
Ged Rogers | Clinical Education Manager | St Andrews Healthcare | GRogers@standrew.co.uk 01604 616 083 |
Workforce Development Funding | East Midlands Ambulance Services | wdfapplications@emas.nhs.uk |
Nottinghamshire LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Julie Spencer | LBR Lead | Bassetlaw CCG | LBR@nottshc.nhs.uk 01777 880 333 |
Ashley Knights | Clinical Education Manager | EMAS | ||
Jackie Brocklehurst | Transformation and LETC Lead | HEEM Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire | Jackie.brocklehurst@hee.nhs.uk | |
Helen Elvidge | Head of Professional Standards | Nottingham CityCare Partnership | Standard Court, 1 Park Row, Nottingham, NG1 6GN | 0115 883 8936 07795 521609 |
Jacqui Green | Secretary Nursing Development |
Nottingham º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals NHS Trust | Derwent House, Block A, City Campus, Nottingham, NG5 1PB |
lbrenquiries@nuh.nhs.uk 0115 969 1169 ext. 56629 |
Sue Haines | Assistant Director of Nursing | Nottingham º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals NHS Trust | sue.haines@nuh.nhs.uk | |
Anneka Howard | Practice Placement & Professional Development Lead | Nottingham º£½ÇÉçÇø Hospitals NHS Trust | anneka.howard@nuh.nhs.uk | |
Julie Spencer | Business Manager (Forensic & Local) | Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (inc County Health) |
Julie.spencer@nottshc.nhs.uk 01777 880 333 |
Workforce Development Funding | East Midlands Ambulance Services | wdfapplications@emas.nhs.uk |
South Yorkshire LBR Leads
Name |
Title |
Organisation |
Address |
Contact |
Louise Berwick | Programme Manager |
Primary Care Workforce & Training Hub |
Part of the ATP Regional Network |
07773457966 |
Carol Youle | Education Co-ordination Team Lead | Barnsley District General Hospital | The Education Centre, Barnsley District General Hospital, Gawber Road, Barnsley, S75 2EP | carol.youle@nhs.net 01226 434 318 |
Helen Atkinson | LBR Lead | c/o Learning & Development, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals |
Rivermead Training Centre, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield |
helen.atkinson7@nhs.net sth.fundingenquiries@nhs.net 0114 271 5162 |
Katie Canavan | Learning and Development Coordinator | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |
Rivermead Training Centre, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield |
katie.canavan@nhs.net 0114 226 66654 |
Sam Debbage | Deputy Director of Education & Research | Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust | Bassetlaw Hospital, Blyth Road, Worksop, S81 0BD | sam.debbage@nhs.net |
Michelle McKenzie Smith | Head of Education | Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust | Bassetlaw Hospital, Blyth Road, Worksop, S81 0BD | michelle.mckenziesmith@nhs.net |
Sherly Gibson | CHC Clinical Education & Placement Learning Lead for Shared Services | Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield & Wakefield CCGs | sherly.gibson@nhs.net 0114 3054528 |
Mary Shepherd | NHS Doncaster | mary.shepherd@doncasterpct.nhs.uk 01302 566 287 |
Jacqui Hallam | Head of Learning and Development, RDaSH Academy - Learning and Development Team | Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust | Almond Tree Court, Tickhill Road Site, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8QN |
jacqueline.hallam@nhs.net |
Izibel Smith | NMP Funding only | Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust | Almond Tree Court, Tickhill Road Site, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8QN | izibel.smith@nhs.net |
James Short | Learning and Developing Manager | Rotherham General Hospitals NHS Trust | Moorgate Road, Oakwood, Rotherham, S60 2UD | james.short1@nhs.net |
Helen Thomas | Head of Learning, Development and Education | Rotherham General Hospitals NHS Trust | Moorgate Road, Oakwood, Rotherham, S60 2UD | helen.thomas25@nhs.net 01709 427 552 |
Suzanne Gilliott | Learning and Development Advisor | Sheffield Children's NHS Trust | Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TH | Suzanne.Gillott@nhs.net 0114 271 7698 |
Karen Dickinson | Head of Education, Training & Development (Assistant LBR Lead) | Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust | Fulwood House, Old Fulwood Road, Sheffield, S10 3TH | karen.dickinson@shsc.nhs.uk 0114 226 3116 |
Wendy Flemming | LBR Lead | St. Luke's Hospice | St Luke's Hospice, Little Common Lane, Sheffield, S11 9NE |
w.flemming@hospicesheffield.co.uk 0114 236 9911 |
Dawn Adams | Yorkshire Ambulance Service |
07585 329030 |
Tony Spence | Yorkshire Ambulance Service |
07919 695266 |
Outside South Yorkshire and within Humber LBR Leads
Name of Trust | Name of Central Contact | Email and Phone Number of Central Contact |
Care Plus Group |
Lynn Andrews – Nursing wef 01/05/2020 Maria Tomkinson – Head of Workforce and Organisational Development Linzi Brace – Training & Development Manager |
lynn.andrews2@nhs.net Tel: 07545662017 maria.tomkinson@nhs.net Tel: 01472 256754 Mob: 07511224740 Linzi.brace@nhs.net Tel: 01472 256759 - Training and Development Team |
City Health Care Partnership |
Jacqui Laycock, Learning Resources Department Joanne Deighton |
Tel: 01482 347660 or 01482 236930 CHCP.learningresources@nhs.net Tel: 01482 347660 |
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Sharon Wilkes |
Mob: 07795 474 868 |
Hull º£½ÇÉçÇø Teaching Hospitals Trust |
Lucy Vere Nicola Buckle |
Lucy.vere@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 675152 (5152) |
Humber Teaching NHS FT |
Melanie Barnard In absence, Claire Tiernan-Smith |
melanie.barnard@nhs.net Tel: 01482 336228 Mob: 07590304286 Claire.tiernan@nhs.net Tel: 01482 301831 |
NAVIGO | Richard Watson |
Tel: 01472 583034 |
North East Lincolnshire CCG | Emma Overton |
Tel: 0300 3000 662 (4262) |
North Lincolnshire & Goole Foundation Trust |
Ellie Parker, Head of Professional Development Harriet Stephens |
eleanor.parker5@nhs.net Tel: 03033 302087 harriet.stephens@nhs.net Mob: 07711 387 958 Tel: 03303 302625 |
Primary Care |
Dr Kevin Anderson Lisa Billingham & Victoria Scorah |
Tel: 01482 303986 |
Yorkshire Ambulance Service |
Dawn Adams Tony Spence |
dawn.adams17@nhs.net Tel: 07585 329030 tony.spence@nhs.net Tel: 07919 695266 |
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS FT |
Maria Wilkinson Helen Hey |
Tel: 01904 721680 Mob: 07813 591523 |
West Yorkshire LBR Leads
Name of trust |
Contact name |
Email address and phone number |
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust |
Jack Lewis Jane McSharry |
01535 294420 01535 295028 |
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust |
Debbie Cromack |
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust |
Amanda Hudson Rachel Hodgson Faye Alexander Laura Gornall |
07971059880 07866154308 07958997505 |
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT |
Janet Youd |
07920818913 |
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS FT |
Jude McKaig Debbie Myers |
0113 843 4554 0113 2208540 |
Leeds and York Partnerships NHS FT |
Adam Maher Marie-Claire Trevett Team email |
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust |
Memory Van Beek Amy Dunmall Laura Fileccia Professional Development Team (Shared mailbox) |
amy.dunmall@nhs.net / 0113 2064106 |
Locala |
Carolyn Dixon |
030 3330 8788 |
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS FT |
Alison Ward Paul Jefferson |
01924 541830 |
Martin House Children’s Hospice |
Charlotte Walker |
01937 845045 |
Skills For Care | Jeanette Cookson | WestYorkshireandHarrogate.SSPRDauthorisation @skillsforcare.org.uk |
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
Andrew Broadhead, LBR Lead - Head of Department Kerry Gillott Ishmail Rawat, CPD Coordinator and Initial contact for funding |
07825356761 01924 316270 / 07785414004 |
Spectrum Community Health | Julie Hall | Julie.hall@spectrum-cic.nhs.uk |
WY Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub | Marie Stout | tpc.traininghub@nhs.net |
Yorkshire Ambulance Service |
Dawn Adams Tony Spence |
Tel: 07585 329030 Tel: 07919 695266 |