Professor Jonathan R Leake
School of Biosciences
Professor of Plant-Soil Interactions
+44 114 222 0055
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- BSc (1984) 海角社区 of Bristol
- PhD (1988) 海角社区 of Sheffield
- NERC Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Animal and Plant Sciences, 海角社区 of Sheffield (1988-1990)
- Temporary Lecturer, Animal and Plant Sciences, 海角社区 of Sheffield (1990)
- Lecturer, Animal and Plant Sciences, 海角社区 of Sheffield (1990-2003)
- Senior Lecturer, Animal and Plant Sciences, 海角社区 of Sheffield (2003-2006)
- Reader in Plant-Soil interactions, School of Biosciences, 海角社区 of Sheffield (2007-2012)
- Research interests
- Regenerative agriculture and soil health - in collaboration with UK farmers, investigating combinations of agricultural management practices that best improve soil health and climate resilience, reduce requirements for expensive inputs, and delivers better yields or margins for farmers. A particular focus is on long-term effects of integrating grass-clover or herbal leys into arable rotations, and subsequent soil health, and crop performance using direct drolling compared to ploughing.
- Cost-effective monitoring of arable soil health - applying and evaluating the effectiveness of measurement of >2mm water-stable macro-aggregates (Guest et al., 2022) and soil organic C and N in the resulting two soil fractions to quantify soil health and its improvement in arable fields resulting from more sustainable management practices.
- Sustainable agriculture and horticulture - adding basaltic rock dusts to improve grassland and cropland production and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, and the use of low-energy input hydroponic horticulture to grow salad crops in unheated polytunnels.
- Mycorrhizal fungi - their networks of power and influence - from nano-to-global scales - use carbon isotope tracers to quantify energy passing from plants to their symbiotic root-inflecting mycorrhizal fungi and how it is used by these fungi: (i) to drive mineral weathering, (ii) in nutrient and carbon cycling and (iii) to empower interactions with other soil organisms (fungi, plants, and fungal-feeding collembolans).
- Myco-heterotrophy: plants parasitic on fungi - about 10% of all plant species are myco-heterotrophic for part of their life, including most orchids. Over 400 species are fully myco-heterotrophic (Leake 1994). My interests are in understanding their evolution, adaptive features, life cycles, ecology, physiology, functioning and their critical fungal partners.
- Publications
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Featured publications
Journal articles
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Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Research group
Research links and collaborations
- Prof. Sir David Read FRS - 海角社区 of Sheffield, UK
- Dr. Duncan Cameron - 海角社区 of Sheffield, UK
- Prof. David Beerling - 海角社区 of Sheffield, UK
- Prof Margaret Bell and Dr Anil Namdeo - 海角社区 of Newcastle, UK
- Prof. Kevin Gaston - 海角社区 of Exeter, UK
- Prof. Kevin Lomas - 海角社区 of Loughborough, UK
- Prof. Mike Burrell - 海角社区 of Sheffield, UK
- Prof. Steven Banwart - 海角社区 of Sheffield, UK
- Prof. Vala Ragnarsdottir - 海角社区 of Reykjavik, Iceland
- Prof. Lianne Benning - 海角社区 of Leeds, UK
- Dr Terry McMaster - 海角社区 of Bristol, UK
- Dr. Martin I Bidartondo - Imperial College and Kew Gardens, UK
Postdoctoral research fellows
- Dr Jill Edmondson - Measurement, Mapping, Modelling, Management (4M): An evidence-based methodology for understanding and shrinking the urban carbon footprint. Quantifying the urban soil and vegetation carbon pools within the city of Leicester (EPSRC SUE2 consortium grant jointly with Prof KJ Gaston).
Research students
- Kirsty Elliott
- Owen Hayman (co-supervised with Professor DJ Beerling)
- Joseph Llanos (co-supervised with Professor P Warren)
- Magdalena Matysek (co-supervised with Dr D Childs)
Research technicians
- Irene Johnson - Research group technician maintaining laboratory fungal culture collection and coordinating mycorrhizal syntheses and isotope tracer studies. Deputy radiation protection officer. Departmental core funding.
- Adele Duran - Biologically-Mediated Weathering of Minerals from Nanometre Scale to Environmental Systems. Funding NERC and WUN Weathering Science Consortium.
- Dr David A Johnson - NERC grant jointly with Dr Gareth Phoenix and Dr Duncan Cameron.
- Stefanie Tille - Functional and evolutionary significance of symbiotic fungal associations in lower land plants (NERC-funded project with Prof DJ Beerling and Dr DD Cameron).
- Teaching activities
I am tutor for the Biology with a Year Abroad degrees, and member of the Departmental Teaching Committee. My teaching interests are in interdisciplinary science spanning between biology and the environment with particular focus on biogeochemical cycles of carbon nitrogen and phosphorus, plant-soil interactions, Earth-surface processes driven by plants and microorganisms, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, human impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and sustainability.
At Level 2 I teach and coordinate APS255 (Environmental Interpretation Field Course) which is an interdisciplinary residential field course based at the edge of the Connemara region of Western Ireland. The course involves in-depth study of habitats, landscape-shaping processes and human impacts on natural ecosystems, providing wide-ranging training in methods for field description, sampling, quantification and interpretation of ecosystems and the environment.
At Level 3 I coordinate and teach two modules:
- APS346 (Sustainable Agro-Ecosystems) reviews the current threats to sustainable food production and natural ecosystems caused by intensive agriculture and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. A major focus is on the foundational role of soils in providing the underpinning support to terrestrial ecosystems and agriculture, and the way soils have been abused and damaged by human actions.
- APS332 (Issues in Environmental Science) is a seminar and discussion-group based module that considers human impacts upon the environment and the sustainability of the planet, combining reviews of scientific evidence with public and professional opinions and attitudes.
I supervise Level 3 Projects (APS330) in a wide range of subjects concerning plant-environment interactions, nutrient cycling and biogeochemistry, and Level 3 Dissertations (APS331) in topics relating to symbiosis, food security, sustainability, urban ecology, and agro-ecosystem functioning.
I have supervised Level 4 MBiolSci and MRes students on projects involving plant root adaptations, host genotype variation in mycorrhiza functioning and soil carbon sequestration.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Fellow of the Institute of Soil Science (2015-)
- Vice chair of the Farmer-Scientist Network of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society (2023-2026)
- Advisor to the Editors of the New Phytologist (1997-present)
- Editorial board of Mycological Research (1999-2003)
- A strong track record of external speaking engagements to academics, farmers, land managers, agri-businesses etc