About our research


Themes and groups

Our research takes place in a highly multidisciplinary environment, unique in placing high-quality fundamental and applied science at the interface of a busy clinical service (Charles Clifford Dental Hospital) with an academic mix of biomedical, engineering and social scientists that cover a broad range of themes which underpins our teaching, strengthens our knowledge base and informs the advancement of clinical excellence.

The school contains three overlapping research groups:

These sit within four overarching themes that work within the framework of discovery and application of novel research for human benefit.

A diagram showing the three research groups in the Dental School.

Our dedicated team of research active academics all engage in high-quality teaching on BDS, BMedSci, MSc, DClinDent and Dental Hygiene & Therapy courses while also giving these students the opportunity to join the research community as part of research projects, and also hosting a vibrant cohort of Postgraduate Researchers in dedicated facilities.

Our facilities

The School of Clinical Dentistry provides a high-quality research environment with well-equipped, state-of-the-art research facilities that have been continuously improved to accommodate our increasing activity. The School has a research wing incorporating over 660m2 of research laboratories for research staff and postgraduate students. The laboratories include resources for materials science, cell culture (including a fully-staffed Tissue Culture & Tissue Engineering facility), cell and molecular biology, and advanced microscopy.  Please explore our facilities below and get in touch if you would like to collaborate or investigate commercial facing projects- such as testing facilities.


The school houses specialist microbiology facilities for the culture and research of anaerobic bacteria (3x MiniMacs cabinets) alongside a host-pathogen interaction suite (2-cell culture hoods), facilities for zebrafish embryos, small-scale fermentation and shaking incubators for a range of culture conditions. We also have basic immunofluorescence microcoscopy (with temp control) and flow cell capability. In addition we possess real-time (tecan) and standard growth monitoring capability and a wealth of experience in cellular microbiology, 3D-infection models and antimicrobial testing.

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any commercial facing projects (particularly antimicrobials) then please contact Dr Graham Stafford (g.stafford@sheffield.ac.uk) or Dr Joey Shepherd (j.shepherd@sheffield.ac.uk) in the first instance.

Molecular biology

The school has a dedicated suite of facilities for the molecular level study of oral biology, focused mainly on the Head & Neck tumour microenvironment, molecular microbiology and neuroscience. We have qPCR, luminometry, ELISA, fluorescence plate-reader, protein analysis and purification (French Press, HPLC) expertise and capability alongside housing novel capability in Extracellular vesicle analysis (qNANO).

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any projects then please contact Dr Graham Stafford (g.stafford@sheffield.ac.uk) or Dr Dan Lambert (d.w.lambert@sheffield.ac.uk) in the first instance.

Cell biology

The school has a dedicated suite of facilities for the molecular level study of oral biology, focused mainly on the Head & Neck tumour microenvironment, molecular microbiology and neuroscience. We have qPCR, luminometry, ELISA, fluorescence plate-reader, protein analysis and purification (French Press, HPLC) expertise and capability alongside housing novel capability in Extracellular vesicle analysis (qNANO).

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any projects then please contact Dr Graham Stafford (g.stafford@sheffield.ac.uk) or Dr Dan Lambert (d.w.lambert@sheffield.ac.uk) in the first instance.

Histology and Immunohistochemistry

The department has a dedicated team of researchers and consultant Pathologists with a wealth of expertise in immunohistochemistry and Histology who run facilities that include , tissue embedding, cryostats, microtomes, autostaining and dedicated microscopy facilities.  We also have a high-resolution Aperio-slide scanner for digital archiving and a unique archive of fixed tissue.

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any projects then please contact Dr Lynne Bingle (l.bingle@sheffield.ac.uk) or Professor Keith Hunter (k.hunter@sheffield.ac.uk) in the first instance.

Materials Technology

The School is equipped with facilities dedicated to the design, manufacture and characterisation of biomaterials. This includes a broad range of design and validation software (Materialise 3-matic, Magics) on top of Exocad, Dental Wings for custom prostheses and milling equipment such as a Roland DWX50 and hot pressing (Ivoclar Programat 5000), casting (Dequssa TS3 Multicast compact).  We also have extensive imaging 3D imaging (MedIT Blue, Renishaw Incise) and 3D printing (Solidscape 3Z lab, Lulzbot TAZ 6) along with  machines dedicated to printing gels and composites (Prusa i3 MK2 remix) and two electrospinning rigs for the creation of fibrous polymer films along with a wide range of conventional manufacturing equipment such as high temperature furnaces, ball milling machines (Retsch PM100) and grit blasters (Renfert Keramo 4).Our materials characterisation facilities include differential thermal analysis with thermogravimetry (Perkin-Elmer Diamond), rheometry (Anton Paar MCR 301), spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer Lambda), universal mechanical testing (Lloyd LRX with 2.5kN and 100N load cells), impact strength (Tinius Olsen Impact 503) and Vickers hardness (Foundrax).

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any projects then please contact Dr. Cheryl Miller, Dr. Ilida Ortega Asencio or Prof. Paul Hatton.

Clinical and Person-Centred

The School of Clinical Dentistry enjoys a close working relationship with the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital (STH CCDH) and has a number of joint research projects covering the various clinical areas of expertise. Research space is available within the hospital and in addition to trained research-active clinical staff the School has two Dental Research Nurses available to assist clinical research. Administrative support is also available to facilitate the governance and ethical approvals needed to conduct clinical research.

In vivo research capability

The School has developed and continues to employ several animal models to test aspects of nerve regeneration and novel pain mitigation. We have also built up a frozen tissue bank and well-developed immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry to support this.

In addition, we have developed techniques for systemic infection models in zebrafish embryo models.

If you wish to collaborate with us or discuss any projects then please contact Professor Fiona Boissonade (neuroscience animal work) or Dr Craig Murdoch (Zebrafish infection models)

Dedicated Postgraduate Research Offices

We are very proud of our PhD student cohort, who are housed in a series of shared office spaces in the school.  Each student has access to computer facilities and are members of a vibrant research community supporting academic and social activities- via the Dental School Research Society .

Simulation Suite (SIMS) - Virtual Reality Simulation

The School of Clinical Dentistry has engaged in an exciting new venture in Learning & Teaching and Research with the introduction of virtual reality simulation using haptic feedback devices.

Haptic technology creates the illusion of substances (teeth, alveolar bone, instruments, handpieces, burs, implants...) and force within a simulated virtual world of the mouth.

The haptic devices provide force-feedback of the virtual dental operative instruments as they come in contact with the virtual teeth and alveolar bone giving the operator a perception of manipulation of objects using the senses of touch and proprioception.

Key contacts

Our research is performed by a vibrant and dynamic team of researchers drawn from a range of academic disciplines. If you would like to find out more about our research, establish a collaboration or discuss fellowship or PhD project applications with us please contact one of our team listed below.

Name Title Email Phone
Paul Hatton Director of Research paul.hatton@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159336
Daniel Lambert Director of Postgraduate Research D.W.Lambert@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159347
Fiona Boissonade Director of Impact f.boissonade@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159314
Barry Gibson PAPOR Group Lead +44 114 2159312
Graham P Stafford iBio Group Lead g.stafford@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159413
Cheryl Miller BHT Group Lead & ECR Champion c.miller@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159394
Zoe Marshman Academic Director (Oral and Dental) z.marshman@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159398
Craig Murdoch Research Facilities Lead c.murdoch@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159367
Kathryn Hurrell-Gillingham Research Manager k.hurrell-gillingham@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 2159358
Sue Spriggs Research Administrator +44 114 2159342

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