Dutch and Flemish Events in March 2020

March promised to be busy month. We welcomed our Writer in Residence Fikry El Azzouzi, but all our events with translators Alice Tetley-Paul and Jonathan Reeder, and NOS-correspondent Tim de Wit have had to be CANCELLED.

Fikry El Azzouzi  and cover of novel

Dutch and Flemish Studies Events in March 2020

When Where What

11 March

Jessop West, G.03 Fikry El Azzouzi will talk about and read from his work. We will share a fragment from the new translation into English made by our Sheffield Students. 
17 March


38 Mappin Street
Classroom 6

Workshop Literary Translation (Dutch into English)
With prize-winning literary translator Jonathan Reeder.
This event is suitable for students with an interest in translation (Dutch level B1/2).
18 March



Panel Debate and Q & A: Why become a (literary) translator?
Our expert panesl share their insights into the work of translation as a career, a life style and a passion. With Jonathan Reeder, Alice Tetley-Paul (Translator and Sheffield alumnus), Lena Hamaidia (Tutor MA Translation). Anybody with thought about a career in translation is welcome.

23 March


Drama Studio

Recalibrating UK-Germanic Relations
Discussion with journalists Katrin Pribyl (·¡³Ü°ù´Ç±è²¹²úü°ù´Ç, Germany and Austria), Cathrin Kahlweit (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany) and Tim de Wit (NOS journalist, Netherlands). We will explore how Brexit has laid bare the way other European countries view their relationship with the UK. How was Brexit interpreted in these countries; which elements needed explaining/elaborating; and how do they see relations going forward? This event is free but ticketed.

poster Germanic Event
Three people sat around a table drinking from coffee cups and smiling

International undergraduate scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international undergraduate students, including scholarships worth £10,000 towards the annual tuition fee (worth up to £40,000 for four-year programmes).

Applications are open for existing offer holders for an undergraduate degree programme starting in autumn 2025.