Getting hands-on with work placements

Rosie Applied Social Sciences Student on Placement
Applied Social Sciences BA
Rosie, pictured on the left with fellow student Amy, took part in our work placement scheme at DB Cargo UK Ltd.

During my time at DB Cargo Ltd. I worked alongside another student on placement, Amy, conducting two research projects surrounding the digitalisation of the railway company. DB Cargo UK recently created the Digitalisation Team who aim to transform the business through embracing change and new technologies. 

Our first research project centres around employees' opinions surrounding digital adoption and the transformation of the company. We conducted a survey which investigated employees adopting digitalisation into their daily work tasks. Our second project specifically focused on the main software which the business uses to plan train diagramming, finance and controlling trains.

Our workdays were often hybrid, in the office one to two days per week for meetings, workshops, meeting employees and conducting face-to-face research. The rest of the week we were working remotely, focussing on creating resources for the research projects including surveys, consent/information forms and interview schedules. I really enjoyed this industry placement, particularly because of the freedom we were given - although supervised, we were given free range on how we conducted the two research projects.

I would recommend any student thinking about applying for a work placement to give it a go! It has opened my eyes as to how my practical degree can be applied to real world settings.


Applied Social Sciences BA

It has made me realise how my degree in Applied Social Sciences can be used and the extent of the skills which the SMI department teaches make us employable.

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