‘Mobilising Adaptation: Governance of Infrastructure through Co production’ (MAGIC) ran from 2020-2022 and was funded by the UK Research and Innovation’s Strategic Priority Fund for Climate Resilience.
It focused on case studies around the flood-vulnerable city of Hull. The Principal Investigator was Professor Liz Sharp from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
The MAGIC project has been engaging with the local community in Hull to design Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) on a series of well-known buildings. The project facilitated the installation of small-scale SuDS on:
- Priory Baptist Church, Derringham
- Bilton Community Primary School
- Sewells Garage, Chanterlands Avenue
- Cottingham Civic Hall
- Thorpes Resource Centre, Orchard Park
The MAGIC team worked with the TimeBank Hull and East Riding to support the creation of a new workers cooperative specialising in small scale SuDS design and installation.
This cooperative, Susdrainable, carried out the work on four of the five sites. A Sheffield-based social enterprise called Green Estate managed the fifth installation at Bilton Primary School.