Dr Sarah Payne

School of Geography and Planning


+44 114 222 6939

Full contact details

Dr Sarah Payne
School of Geography and Planning
Room F14
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND

My academic background is in urban studies. I have an undergraduate degree in Geography and an MRes in Land Economy from the º£½ÇÉçÇø of Aberdeen and a PhD in housebuilder behaviour from the º£½ÇÉçÇø of Glasgow.

Before joining the Department, I worked in the real estate development industry as a Land Buyer for a volume housebuilder and as a Property Consultant, working on viability appraisals and planning applications for landowners and developers.

I am Director of Real Estate Programmes (MSc Real Estate and MSc Real Estate Planning & Development) and Departmental Employability Officer. I Chair the Faculty of Social Sciences Employability Group and play a leading role in designing and integrating professional skills development into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.

I am a Co-Investigator with the , a consortium of 14 institutions led by the º£½ÇÉçÇø of Glasgow.

My  with CaCHE looked at how the land supply system affects the business of UK speculative housebuilding. My current project asks what regulatory practices and business models enhance the uptake of modern methods of construction.

Research interests

My research examines institutional complexity in market-led housing systems. I am particularly interested in developer behaviour and the state-market nexus in understanding housing supply outcomes.

To date my research has focused on issues such as:

  • how housebuilders perceive the ‘value’ of green infrastructure and what role nature-based solutions may play in future urban development
  • how potential changes to Britain’s system of land value capture may impact housebuilders’ valuation and development practices
  • what evidence exists to explain the low uptake of modern methods of construction in UK residential development practice
  • how institutional constraints in the post-recession housing system affect housebuilders’ capacity to act on recovering market demand
  • how housebuilders in Britain and China are transitioning towards greener development practices in light of tightening regulations on carbon emissions in new homes.

My current and planned future research projects focus on the following lines of enquiry:

  1. How should we think about nature-market relations in land and property and in what ways should or can nature be valued?
  2. What is a responsible developer and how should we think about morality in contemporary housing markets?
  3. How do we put a ‘value’ on green infrastructure? Can nature-based solutions be monetised in residential development and what might be the impact of, or on development practices, with particular regard to land, design, planning, valuation, lending and marketing?
  4. How do real estate developers manage risk against shifting economic, social, environmental, technological and political contexts?

Research projects

  •  (Economic & Social Research Council, Arts & Humanities Research Council, Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
  • Land: Value to Capture? (RICS)
  •  (Economic & Social Research Council, Arts & Humanities Research Council, Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
  • Green Growth: Increasing Resilience In Cities Through The Delivery Of Green Infrastructure-Based Solutions (Natural Environment Research Council)
  • Examining Housebuilder Behaviour in a Recovering Housing Market: recommendations for improving housing supply (British Academy)
  • Green Shoots, Green Homes? Examining Zero Carbon Housebuilder Behaviour in Differentially Recovering Housing Markets (RICS)
  • Towards Zero Carbon Housing Futures? (Economic & Social Research Council)
  • Rotherham Strategic Housing Market Assessment (Rotherham MBC)
  • Attitudes and behaviour towards the New Homes Bonus (Department for Communities and Local Government)

Journal articles

  • Jiang H & Payne S (2021) . Building Research and Information. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Inch A, Dunning R, While A, Hickman H & Payne S (2020) . Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(4), 713-732. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2020) . Housing Studies, 35(2), 266-289. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jiang H & Payne S (2019) . Journal of Cleaner Production, 241. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S & Barker A (2018) . Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1(4), 470-493. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2015) . Built Environment, 41(2), 271-288. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2013) . Housing Studies, 28(7), 1094-1096. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2013) . Town Planning Review, 84(1), 37-62. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2012) Can the Volume Housebuilding Model Survive?. Town and Country Planning, 81(12), 546-550. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Payne S & Barker A (2015) Implementing green infrastructure through residential development in the UK, Handbook on Green Infrastructure: Planning, Design and Implementation (pp. 375-394). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Adams D & Payne S (2011) , Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process (pp. 199-218). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S, Adams D & Watkins C (2008) In Murray M & Dainty A (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry (pp. 235-258). London: Routledge. RIS download Bibtex download

Book reviews

  • Payne S (2013) . Planning Perspectives, 28(2), 341-342. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Dunning R, Payne S, O'Brien P & Buck M (2020) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Winch R, Clough J, Mant A, Hamilton-Russell E, Barker A, Payne S, Gilchrist A, Tantanasi I, Clay G & Rothwell J (2019) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barker A, Clay G, Morrison R, Payne S, Gilchrist A, Rothwell J & Tantanasi I (2019) Understanding Green Infrastructure at Different Scales: A signposting guide RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S, Serin B, James G & Adams D (2019) How does the land supply system affect the business of UK speculative housebuilding? An evidence review RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunning R, Henneberry J, Inch A, Payne S, Watkins C, While A, Young G & Hickman H (2017) Attitudinal research on financial payments to reduce opposition to new homes RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2016) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Payne S (2015) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunning R, Watkins C, Inch A, Payne S, While A, Young G, Hickman H, Bramley G, McIntosh S, Watkins D & Valler D (2014) The impact of the New Homes Bonus on attitudes and behaviour RIS download Bibtex download

Theses / Dissertations

  • Payne S (2009) The institutional capacity of the UK speculative housebuilding industry – responding to the brownfield development policy agenda. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

PhD Supervision

I am currently Primary Supervisor for the following PhD students:

  • Carl Lee, The purpose built student housing development nexus
  • Hannah Jiang, The green housing transition in China

I welcome PhD proposals from applicants interested in investigating research questions framed within the following broad topics:

  • risk in real estate development
  • housing markets in emerging economies and developing nations
  • land markets / landowner behaviour in planning and development
  • valuation practices in residential development
  • green infrastructure / nature-based solutions and housing delivery
Teaching activities

My teaching explores the interface between the planning system and the real estate development process and investigates how planning, design and risk influence development viability.

I’m keen for my students to think critically about the motivations of market-based actors and to question the efficacy of planning policy in shaping real estate development processes.

I hope to equip my students with good commercial awareness and the skills to understand and balance the competing needs of stakeholders in real estate and planning practice.

I currently teach on the following modules:

  • , Housing, Home and Neighbourhood
  • TRP235, Design and Development Project
  • TRP637 Politics, Planning and the State
  • , Integrated Project
  • , Real Estate Development