ECREA Sheffield schedule day two - Friday 12 April 2024

The schedule for the second day of the 2024 European Communication Research and Education Association at the 海角社区 of Sheffield.


Day two - Friday 12 April 2024

Morning panels session one

Time and venue

Panel 13

Lecture Theatre 4

Panel 14

Seminar Room 1

Panel 15

Seminar Room 4

Panel 16

Seminar Room 11

9:30am Lise-Lore Steeman and Ans De Nolf: Media representation of discrimination lawsuits in flemish newspapers: a mixed-methods content analysis PRECONSTITUTED PANEL: Richard Stupart, Jennifer R. Henrichsen, Lada T. Price and Lisa Bradley, Diana Bossio, Vera Slavtcheva-Petkova: Panel on wellbeing in journalism Bissie Anderson and Nour Halabi: Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens Karin Wahl-Jorgensen: Survival in the passion economy: mental health and wellbeing of local journalism entrepreneurs

Ornella Porcu, Liesbeth Hermans, Marcel Broersma: Exclusion in the innovating newsroom: on the uneven experience of trust and creative autonomy

Continues as above

Lidia Pedro Sole: The challenges of women video journalists working in news

Signe Ivask: The lone wolves: Estonian war correspondents feeling as 鈥渙utsiders鈥 in the newsroom


Diego Garusi and Birte Leonhardt: What the journalists want: an analysis of the trust claims of constructive journalists

Continues as above

Mariana Gomes, Sandra Banjac: Securing their daily bread: A case study on the economic conditions of favela-based news producers

Lenka Waschkov谩 C铆sa艡ov谩, Melanie Haberl, Folker Hanusch, Dominik Hokamp, Alena Kluknavsk谩, Mar铆na Urb谩nikov谩: (In) visible relationships: Towards a conceptualisation of emotions in the practices and interactions of journalists and politicians

Sherine Conyers: Lost in Traffic: The battle for equitable journalism inside an economy of attention

Continues as above

Lucia Mesquita, Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos, Isabella Gon莽alves: Securing journalism practice: strategies of small investigative news outlets in Latin America for journalistic safety and integrity

Lea Hellmueller, Namrata Acharya, & Carolyne Lunga: Freelance reporters in authoritarian regimes and conflict areas: an ethics of care approach

10:30am Jannis Frech, Viviane Sch枚nb盲chler, Volker Lilienthal: We don't have these crazy stories here": how digital security threats, skills and awareness differ in local and national media


Jennifer R. Henrichsen, Val茅rie Belair-Gagnon, Greg Perreault: The security gap in journalism: exploring attitudes and practices in collaborative reporting

Michal Tkaczyk, Rub茅n Olveira-Araujo, Jan Motal: Sourcing the economy in times of crisis: automated content analysis of journalistic sourcing practices in the Czech news


Served from 10:45am in the Wave.

Morning panels session two

Time and venue

Panel 17

Lecture Theatre 4

Panel 18

Seminar Room 1

Panel 19

Seminar Room 4

Panel 20

Seminar Room 11


RECONSTITUTED PANEL: Sanne Vrijenhoek, Lien Michiels, Felicia Loecherbach, Myrthe Reuver: Diversity and news: recommender systems

Scott A Eldridge II: Countervailing influences: Journalism鈥檚 evolving boundaries across its recent past

Fiona McKay: Obstacles and opportunities: experiences of EDI interventions for women in journalism in Scotland


Continues as above

Gr茅goire Lits and Olivier Standaert: Measuring and understanding diversity shifts among journalists in French-speaking Belgium (2012-2023)

Seth Lewis, Gregory Perreault, Maxwell Ely: ChatGPT and the crisis of journalistic authority


Dalia Elsheikh and Daniel Jackson: The power of numbers: four ways metrics are changing the news

Continues as above

Tom谩s Dodds, Wang Ngai Yeung, Rana Arafat: Bound by exile: exploring kinship dynamics among diaspora journalists

Andreea Voina: Talked about, not talked to: Roma women鈥檚 representation in media and politics


Johana Koti拧ov谩: Affective epistemology of journalism: conceptualizing the role of journalists鈥 emotions in fact-finding and knowledge-production practices

Continues as above

Petra Pichani膷ov谩, Mar铆na Urb谩nikov谩: Behind the bylines: a systematic literature review on the relationship bet

12:15pm Priscilla Hau, Steve Paulussen, Pieter Maeseele: Political parties making the news: examining the content marketing mix of the Belgian far-right party Vlaams Belang - Bissie Anderson: Meaning-ful Encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred journalism -


Served from 12.30 in The Wave.


Afternoon panels

Time and venue

Panel 21

Lecture Theatre 4

Panel 22

Seminar Room 1


Rita Ara煤jo: Journalism as a profession 鈥渙ff-limits to low-income classes鈥: does precarity shape journalism practice?

Luk谩拧 Slav铆k, David Lacko, Jakub Macek: Difficult credibility attribution during Facebook news consumption: the negligible influence of trust in media and friends


Emma Verhoeven: Social justice sensitivity: Journalistic practices in the coverage of LGBTI topics

Kim Verhoevena, Steve Paulussen, Gert-Jan de Bruijn: Genre conventions of fact-checks: Topics, style, and form of fact-checking in Belgian news media


Marta Santos Silva, Branco Di F谩tima and Adriana Gon莽alves: Is innovation fostering accessibility? an analysis of Portuguese media suggests the disabled are still left out of news

Stephanie D'haeseleer, Kristin Van Damme, Tom Evens: How audience flagging can help fact-checkers debunk misinformation on TikTok: a qualitative audience study


Nina Kievits, Tom谩s Dodds, Astrid Vandendaele: Looking for balance: the impact of audience metrics on Dutch TV reporters鈥 (perceived) sense of editorial freedom 
2:45pm -  

Day one schedule, Thursday 11 April 2024

Two men and a woman sat on a couch.

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