ࡱ> SVR zbjbj 7Hbb* O8T.|"E"G"G"G"G"G"G",$b'Js"s"4"E"E" 67N311""0"''ls"s""' T:   10.00-10.5011.00-11.5012.00-12.5013.00-13.5014.00-14.5015.00-15.5016.00-16.5017.00-17.50Mon Nov 7th Welcome to International Journalism Week by Professor Jackie Harrison, Joint Head of Department; Lada will introduce the student case study challenge. (LT14, Mappin Building) Lecture (Ben Mayhew, Head of PA data analysis) Data and Graphics in the Newsroom (Diamond LT2) Lecture (Gill Phillips, Director of Editorial and Legal services) The Guardian Legal and Ethical Challenges to Investigative Journalism (Diamond LT9) Tues Nov 8th Lecture Jackie Harrison (CFOM) Journalism under Attack (Diamond LT5) BreakProf Jay Blumler Emeritus Professor Think Big - but Clearly about Journalism Studies (Medical School LT3) NB: Please note that this lecture will start at 1.30pm  Weds Nov 9thCFOM annual lecture by Guy Berger, UNESCO Your right to know relies on justice for journalists under attack followed by a debate about hostile environments for news reporting. Panel: William Horsley (CFOM), Tonia Samsonova (Moscow Echo), Elisabeth Witchel, CPJ, Ghias Aljundi, Human rights consultant (Diamond LT7) Lecture Rachael Jolley Editor Index on Censorship Why Journalists Care About Freedom of Expression? (DB LT06)  Break Case studies workshop 9 Mappin St SR123 Group 1 Case studies workshop 9 Mappin St. 123 Group 3 Case studies workshop 9 Mappin St. G13 Group 2Thurs Nov 10thSvein Bruras Professor, dr.philos. Volda College, Norway When Two Rights Collide. On Privacy and Freedom of Speech. (Stephenson LT1)Peter Jukes (Diamond LT5) Chris Elliot (Hicks LTA)  Tea/coffee/cake Student Common Room (9 Mappin St) Writing competition awards Chris Elliot and Jonathan Grun presenting. (Diamond LT2) Fri Nov 11th Q&A session Helen Pidd The Guardians Northern Hub editor (Diamond LT6) Break   Presentations of case studies awards (Close of IJW) Panel: Staff from Department of Journalism Studies (Diamond LT9)10.00-10.5011.00-11.5012.00-12.5013.00-13.5014.00-14.5015.00-15.5016.00-16.50 Location Key on campus map: HI= Hicks Building (121) RRB= Richard Roberts Building (117) PC= Portobello Centre (177) MAPP= Mappin Building (170) NSH= New Spring House (174) AT=Arts Tower (104) NR= Newsrooms, 9 Mappin Street (163) BA= Bartolome House (101) CR = Crookesmoor (22) SG = St Georges (164) SB = Stephenson Building (176), HB = Hadfield Building (172), EF = Elmfield Building, ADB = Alfred Denny Building (111), DB = Dainton Building (117), 9MS = 9 Mappin Street (163)     International Journalism Week Value of freedom of expression Semester 1 Week 7 2016 Location Key on campus map: HI= Hicks Building (121) RRB= Richard Roberts Building (117) PC= Portobello Centre (177) MAPP= Mappin Building (170) NSH= New Spring House (174) AT=Arts Tower (104) NR= Newsrooms, 9 Mappin Street (163) BA= Bartolome House (101) CR = Crookesmoor (22) SG = St Georges (164) SB = Stephenson Building (176), HB = Hadfield Building (172), EF = Elmfield Building, ADB = Alfred Denny Building (111), DB = Dainton Building (117), 9MS = 9 Mappin Street (163)   #%01;=GISU_elnpq ! 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