The astrophysics group study the formation of stars and planets, the evolution of single and binary stars, exploiting high-time resolution instrumentation. It also investigates the most energetic events in the Universe, including supernovae, active galaxies, and their impact on galaxy evolution.
PhD opportunities
Visit the PhD opportunities webpage for further details - current availability is shown by selecting 'Astronomy and Astrophysics' under 'Research Group'
Our researchers
Find contact details and publication lists for members of the Astrophysics research group.
Job and fellowship opportunities
The Astrophysics group is always keen to host outstanding candidates holding independent research fellowships.
Physics and Astronomy news
Read about the latest news within the latest news within the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences on our 'news' pages.
Sheffield astrophysicists on Deep Sky Videos
M79 - Its special bright star
Professors Paul Crowther and Vik Dhillon have appeared in a number of films for the astrophysics YouTube channel Deep Sky Videos. We've collected their appearances in this playlist.