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Dr Jared Ahmad Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism, Politics, & CommunicationJared’s research principally focuses questions of (self-)representation, power and identity in regard to non-state terrorism. He has written about print, broadcast and online portrayals of 'Islamic' terrorist groups, such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, and is especially interested in the complex interactions that take place between terrorists, political elites, journalists and citizens in today's 'hybrid' media environment. His work is interdisciplinary and fuses approaches taken from cultural studies, political communications, visual culture, and poststructuralist theory. PhD supervisionJared is particularly interested in hearing from research students writing on the following areas:
Professor Dmitry Chernobrov Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Media & International PoliticsDmitry's research focuses on four main areas:
Dmitry argues that public perceptions of international crises are shaped primarily by local anxieties, cultural memories, insecurities and hopes, and above all by the societal need for positive and continuous self-conceptions. This research offers an interdisciplinary integration of international relations, political psychology, memory, and media studies. Dmitry is also interested in how humanitarian agencies and media see the future of communication in crises; how these visions differ between western and non-western contexts; and how the appearance of digital humanitarians and direct communication channels redraws the traditional roles and powers of crisis actors. This research involves interviews and collaborations with major humanitarian agencies. In recent years, Dmitry has also published articles on the use of humour in public diplomacy, and on the Armenian diaspora, social media mobilisation and conflict. PhD supervisionDmitry is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Professor Jacqueline Harrison Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Public Communication & Media FreedomJackie's area of expertise is the civil role and power of the news. Her research examines three particular aspects of this: the architecture and culture of the news; the mediation of civil society and social identity by the news; and issues of news freedom and standards. She has written extensively in these areas. Jackie also chairs the interdisciplinary research body (CFOM). CFOM seeks to research and evaluate the role of free and independent news media in building and maintaining political and civil freedoms. PhD supervisionDue to her numerous other commitments Jackie is unable to supervise new PhD students at present. When her workload permits, Jackie will be interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr Emma Heywood School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism, Radio and CommunicationEmma's research interests lie in the role of radio and social media in fragile and conflict-affected zones. She is particularly interested in working with journalists, and also with audiences to ensure the information they receive is indeed what they want, when they want it, in the language they prefer and in a format they can identify with. She collaborates with international media development agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society organisations (CSOs) and humanitarian agencies operating in the Global South. She leads the FemmePowermentAfrique project, which conducts large-scale qualitative and quantitative participatory research into the impact of radio, and social media, on women's empowerment and youth in the Sahel. Her work with internally displaced populations and other marginalised and isolated communities in the Global South has enabled her recommendations to be adopted by many UN bodies. Emma’s main research focus is media development, media for development, audience research, and working with international and local agencies to promote and improve radio and social media as a communicative and peacebuilding tool. In recent years, Emma has published books and articles on radio in conflict, women's empowerment, trauma sensitive communication and qualitative methodologies in the Global South. PhD SupervisionEmma is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr Gemma Horton Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Dr Eirini Katsirea Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
International Media LawIrini's research interests are in the areas of European, international and comparative media law and policy. Her most recent publication is a monograph on Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era: A Comparative Study (OUP, 2024). Her current collaborative research projects include 'Unreliable science: Unravelling the impact of mainstream media misrepresentation', funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation European Media and Information Fund, and 'Fact-checked - Understanding the Factors Behind Direct Fact-Check Rejection', funded by SPRITE+ (EPSRC). PhD supervisionIrini is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr Dani Madrid Morales School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Global Communication and Computational Methods in JournalismDani's research focuses on global political communication and international media flows, with a focus on the Global South. He has published on the impact of global Chinese media on local journalistic cultures in English and French speaking Africa. He has also studied the multiple ways audiences in East and Southern Africa engage with news and entertainment on Chinese media.
PhD SupervisionDani is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr Binakuromo Ogbebor Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism, Media and CommunicationBina’s research interests include media representation, the relationship between the media and democracy, critical incidents in journalism, race equality in journalism, media policy, and media self-coverage. Bina’s research and publications have contributed to knowledge relating to key debates about press regulation, the public interest, public trust, media ownership, political economy of the media, paradigm repair, boundary work, and the public sphere concept. Her research into how the British press covered the press standards debate that followed The News of the World phone hacking scandal and the Leveson Inquiry employed content and critical discourse analyses and was interdisciplinary in content drawing from law, politics and psychology in addition to journalism. Bina’s research entitled, A meta-analysis of key concerns and developments on media standards informed the 2020-2022 Impress Code Review. The research findings were used by the press regulator, Impress to modernise the Standards Code and make it fit for purpose in the digital age. Her research on the WhatsApp, Black People and COVID-19 Infodemic explored the WhatsApp Communications of Nigerians in the UK and Nigeria, using the methods of interviews and content analysis. This work made contributions to knowledge about effective health communications in times of Public Health Emergencies. Bina’s current research investigates race-based student activism in journalism, media, and communication schools in the UK using the methods of content analysis, interviews, and surveys. PhD Supervision
Dr Lada Price Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism Practice, Media Freedom & DemocracyLada's research is focused on media and journalistic practice in Eastern and Southern European democracies. She has published on threats to media freedom, such as censorship and self-censorship, media corruption, ethical challenges to journalistic practice, and violence and intimidation against journalists. She is also working on a cross-national comparative study researching more recent challenges to media freedom in four Southern European countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Malta. The study aims to map the impact of external political, economic, legal and societal factors on the way(s) news organisations and journalists operate in times of crisis. Lada's research is also focused on trauma in journalism. Lada has just completed a BA Leverhulme funded research project titled "Creating a safe space for journalists to speak about trauma: Examining the roles of journalism educators". The project has developed a new framework for building resilience to trauma among journalism practitioners and students. PhD SupervisionLada is interested in hearing from potential research students focusing in the following areas:
Professor Stefanie Pukallus Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Public Communication & Civil DevelopmentStef’s research interest and expertise focus on the role that public communication can play in the building, developing and diminishing of civil society. She has previously focused on the European Community and now focuses on post-civil war settings. For her the communicative spectrum of civil society includes non-mediated verbal communication, the factual and fictional media as well as the performative and the visual arts. She is equally interested in communicative spaces and the role of civility in civil society. Stef is co-founder and Chair of the Hub for the Study of Hybrid Communication in Peacebuilding (). She is currently working on her third monograph ‘Communication in Peacebuilding. Civil wars, civility and safe spaces’ (under contract) and acting as an advisor for UN Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (UN DDP) and their public information module. PhD supervision Stef is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr Joan Ramon (mon) Rodriguez-Amat Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
My work spreads across the factors that shape the communicative spaces: this is, the integration of social interactions with mobile and digital social platforms, with the physical-geographic space. |
Dr Maria Tomlinson Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
I am an interdisciplinary researcher who explores the impact of health communication on social inequalities. This has included research on menstrual health, menopause, childbirth, and energy limiting conditions. More broadly, I have published research is in the areas of sociology, communication, gender studies, postcolonial studies, and French studies. I am happy to supervise sociological or communication (including journalism) PhD projects on topics related to feminism, health & wellbeing, gender, and advocacy. |
Dr Jingrong Tong Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism, technology & societyJingrong is currently writing about data and journalism as well as (social) media discourses of political and environmental issues. Her current research interests include the impact of digital technology on journalism, social media communication, discourses of social issues, and environmental communication. She has expertise in computational (social) media analysis. PhD supervisionJingrong is particularly interested in hearing from research students focusing on the following areas:
Dr James Whitworth Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Journalism, its history and the visual.James is a journalism historian and writer with expertise in twenty and twenty-first century print media, with a special interest in newspaper and magazine topical cartoons. His work considers the role of journalism over the past 100 years through the prism of social context. He has principally written about how the visual is utilised within a textual medium and how journalism and history both inform and influence contemporary journalism. James’ current research focuses on investigating how social history is reflected in the democratisation of the popular press and how journalistic discourse operates within war and conflict paradigms. PhD supervisionJames is particularly interested in hearing from research students writing on the following areas:
Dr Ilya Yablokov Personal Webpage School of Information, Journalism and Communication School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Disinformation, (Self)censorship, Newsmaking, Russian and East European mediaIlya’s research includes two areas. First, he is interested in the study of state-funded disinformation campaigns with the focus on Russia and post-socialist countries. I am particularly interested in conspiracy theories, character assassination campaigns and disinformation as tools of political communication. I have written on Russian conspiracy theories and and continue to work on the projects related to Russian disinformation on the state and the grassroots level both inside Russia and the countries of Central/Eastern Europe and the Global South. Ilya’s second area of expertise is the organisational aspect of newsmaking in Central and Eastern Europe: formal and informal networks of journalists and politicians, newsmaking process and the issues of censorship/self-censorship. I have been the primary investigator of the British Academy research grant on self-censorship among journalists in Russia, Latvia and Hungary (2017-2019). Currently I am working on the book about the history of Russian media post-1991 that investigates the role of journalists in facilitating Putin’s authoritarian regime. PhD SupervisonIlya is particularly interested in the topics related to: