DDP Training & Development Hub
The º£½ÇÉçÇø offers a range of PGR development and training opportunities. Find details of how to sign up for academic modules, research skills seminars, IT, language and statistical training.
Latest skills & development opportunities
Researcher development and research skills
Research IT, data and stats training
Employment skills, careers & mandatory training
Further learning resources
Sheffield Teaching Assistant
The Sheffield Teaching Assistant (STA) programme offers in-depth learning and teaching workshops for PGR students who teach, monthly networking opportunities and an active online community. Now booking via myDevelopment.
Study skills online
Workshops, 1:1 appointments and online resources to develop your academic skills for students at all levels of study.
Medical School courses
Sign ups for the Medical School courses GEM6040 (Automated Sequence Analysis) and MED650 (Visualising & Analysing Biomedical Datasets with R) are now managed by the Faculty directly.
Please direct any queries to medicine-pgr@sheffield.ac.uk.