Progress monitoring and milestones
Information on how students' progress is monitored and supported.
Progress of research students
Essential practice
The academic progress of all PGR students must be formally assessed by departments/schools at six-monthly intervals throughout the student's research degree. This is in addition to the regular recording of formal supervisory meetings. These progress reviews may take the form of mandatory milestones, e.g. Confirmation Review and Submission Review, or they may constitute a designated task to be completed by the student, such as a poster presentation or submission of a journal-quality paper.
Mandatory milestones
The º£½ÇÉçÇø has agreed that the following progression points should be mandatory milestones:
- Induction/Training Needs Analysis
- Confirmation Review (PhD, MD, EngD only)
- Data Management Plan (compulsory from 2019/20 onwards for new starters)
- Submission Review (compulsory for all students from 2019/20 onwards)
- DDP Evidencing Development Summary
- Thesis Submission
PhD timeline with milestones
When planning a PhD timeline, a milestone should be incorporated every six months.
The requirement to install touchpoints on a six-monthly basis is designed to provide sufficient opportunities to identify any issues that may affect student progress.
Start of PhD
- Induction
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
6 months after start
- See 'optional milestones'
9 to 12 months after start
- Confirmation Review
- Doctoral Development Programme (DDP) Review
- Data Management Plan (DMP) submission
18 months after start
- Second confirmation attempt deadline (if needed)
- See 'optional milestones'
18 months after start to 15 months before deadline
- See 'optional milestones'
6 months before the end of fee-paying period
- Submission Review
36 months after start date
- DDP e-portfolio submission
- See 'optional milestones'
36 to 48 months
- Thesis submission
Optional milestones
Including (but not limited to)
- Literature review
- Journal paper
- Mock viva
- Poster competition
- Conference presentation
- Presentation of thesis plan
PhD timeline with milestones diagram (PDF)
Student engagement and attendance monitoring
It is essential that all students regularly attend all the scheduled sessions (e.g. supervisory meetings, departmental/school research presentations, DDP modules, laboratory sessions, etc.) that are listed in their timetable or that are communicated to them by their department/school. It is only by attending all of the scheduled sessions that students will be able to engage with their research and progress effectively, as required by º£½ÇÉçÇø Regulations.
To ensure that students make full use of the learning and research opportunities that are available, academic departments/schools will monitor both the attendance and academic engagement of all students throughout the year, in accordance with the º£½ÇÉçÇø's Student Attendance Monitoring and Student Academic Engagement policies. This applies both to students on campus and those who are undertaking research or working away from Sheffield as part of their degree.
This process should assist departments/schools in identifying problems at an early stage and offering students appropriate support, including training or referrals to relevant support services, where required.