Director Dr Meredith Warren's latest book, Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean, is available to pre-order

Co-authored with honorary researcher Shayna Sheinfeld and external member Sara Parks, this the first textbook dedicated to introducing women’s religious roles in Judaism and Christianity in a way that is accessible to students of all disciplines.

Front cover for the book Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean
Image for the front cover of

Director Dr Meredith Warren's latest book, Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean is available to pre-order from the Routledge website.

The textbook, co-authored with SCIBS honorary researcher Shayna Sheinfeld and external member Sara Parks, is the first textbook dedicated to introducing women’s religious roles in Judaism and Christianity in a way that is accessible to undergraduates from all disciplines.

The textbook provides brief, contextualising overviews that then allow for deeper explorations of specific topics in women’s religion, including leadership, domestic ritual, women as readers and writers of scripture, and as innovators in their traditions.

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