SCIEL Postgraduate Research Community

A warm welcome from SCIEL Postgraduate Research Community.

PGR student at Bartolome House

Formed by active and engaged members, in the SCIEL PGR community we share interests in International and European Law. We are a diverse PGR community, with varied backgrounds and research interest in a number of areas of International and European law. Through SCIEL we engage in debates, participate in conferences, discussing our knowledge and research interests. With the support from SCIEL, we have the opportunity to further our understandings of International and European Law, improve our research and grow as academics.

Isabel Simonsen Carrascal

PGR Student and SCIEL rep

Part of the wider research community

The School of Law is home to over 50 PGR students who have created their own community. Sharing study and social spaces here in the school they have created a supportive and vibrant research environment.

PhD Research at the School of Law
The Sheffield Methods Institute provides an engaging training programme you will develop skills throughout your PhD study to prepare you for a professional career with research at its core, whether that be in academia, policy or a commercial environment, with an ability to use interdisciplinary insights and approaches to tackle the biggest societal challenges.

Sheffield Methods Institute in the School of Education
The White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership, accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council in 2016, is a collaboration in the social sciences at the White Rose Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York, in partnership with the Universities of Bradford, Sheffield Hallam, Hull, and Manchester Metropolitan.

PhD Student Projects (Current and Recent)

Thekli Anastasiou, '​​​​​​A critical analysis of the present stance of the law of protection for environmentally displaced persons within international law'

Fiona Davies, 'The Rise of Robotic Warfare: Establishing Command Responsibility for International Crimes committed by Autonomous Weapon Systems'

Haozhen (Thomas) Li, 'Targeting peacekeeping intelligence personnel: a humanity-based approach to the law of targeting'

Leonardo Kurnia, 'The Theory of Remedial Secession in International Law'

Zichen Ding, 'A Discussion on Modifying the Doctrine of Command Responsibility Applied to the Accountability in Using Autonomous Weapons System'

Foteini Ververidou, EU Health Law

A global reputation

Sheffield is a world top-100 research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.