Risk Assessment Panel (RAP)

The Risk Assessment Panel will convene where a risk to students, the º£½ÇÉçÇø community, members of the public and/or the interests of the º£½ÇÉçÇø has been identified, relating specifically to statutory safeguarding, the Prevent Duty and/or student conduct.


When is a Risk Assessment Panel required?

Circumstances that could warrant consideration by the Risk Assessment Panel include:

  • A report being received of serious misconduct which suggests that a student may pose a risk to others.
  • A concern being raised during a º£½ÇÉçÇø discipline investigation, or pending the completion of disciplinary proceedings, that a student may pose a risk to others or the disciplinary process.
  • A Safeguarding or Prevent concern being raised that requires action to prevent further harm from taking place. This case would be considered alongside the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s Safeguarding Procedures.
  • A student being the subject of a police caution, police investigation or being convicted of a criminal offence.

The Risk Assessment Panel does not assess risk where a student’s mental or physical health, or their professional conduct, are the primary concern. Other processes including Fitness to Study and Fitness to Practise are managed separately.

Who sits on the Risk Assessment Panel?

Core Team Membership:Role:
Associate Director, Student & Academic Services (Student Health, Wellbeing and Support)Chair
Head of Student Experience and SupportPanel Member
Section Lead: Safeguarding and Welfare TeamPanel Member
Security Operations ManagerPanel Member
Student Conduct and Appeals ManagerPanel Member
Section Lead: Student Experience, Diversity and InclusionPanel Member
Head of Residence LifePanel Member
Safeguarding and Welfare Manager: Risk and Prevent LeadRAP Coordinator
Safeguarding and Welfare AdministratorRAP Secretary

Subject to the circumstances of a case, there may also be representation from:

  • Academic School
  • Sport and Physical Activity
  • Students’ Union

What happens at a Risk Assessment Panel meeting?

Risk Assessment Panel meetings are held weekly.

Cases are presented to the panel for discussion in the form of a written case summary and risk assessment. The panel will determine how best to manage and mitigate the risks identified, and agree on Precautionary Measures or Risk Mitigating Actions as needed (see glossary below). The meetings are minuted and actions allocated to Risk Assessment Panel members. 

The student(s) affected will be allocated a member of staff who is their supporter, and will be notified in writing of the start and end of any Precautionary Measures or Risk Mitigating Actions. Unlike a º£½ÇÉçÇø discipline hearing, students do not attend Risk Assessment Panel meetings.

In cases where students are in conflict, for example where one student has reported another student to the police for criminal behaviour, or to the º£½ÇÉçÇø for misconduct, the Risk Assessment Panel will consider how best to ensure that all parties have fair access to their education and/or can meet the conditions of any restrictions (e.g. bail conditions). This is in line with the duty of care that the º£½ÇÉçÇø has for all students.

Precautionary Measures and Risk Mitigating Actions are temporary measures and do not imply the guilt or innocence of any party. Cases are reviewed every ten weeks unless there is material change to the circumstances which means it needs further consideration before that date. Cases are closed when an investigation has concluded and/or the identified risks have been resolved.

Potential outcomes for a student could include:

  • Restricted access to certain areas of campus and/or the Students’ Union
  • Adjustments to their learning environment
  • Adjustments to their accommodation (if living in º£½ÇÉçÇø residencies)
  • A requirement to undertake an educational course e.g. Race Equality Training
  • Temporary suspension from studies

All Risk Assessment Panel documents relating to student cases will be deleted after six years. 


Precautionary Measures are formal measures that mitigate identified risks and are implemented in line with the Regulations relating to the Discipline of Students. They can be recommended by the Risk Assessment Panel when º£½ÇÉçÇø disciplinary proceedings (investigation/hearing/appeal), criminal court proceedings, or a police investigation are in progress. 

Risk Mitigating Actions are informal actions that mitigate identified risks where a disclosure has been made to the º£½ÇÉçÇø but where º£½ÇÉçÇø disciplinary proceedings (investigation/hearing/appeal), criminal court proceedings, or a police investigation are not in progress.  Risk Mitigating Actions will not be recommended to the detriment of any of the parties involved. For example, where a student makes a disclosure of misconduct by another student but they do not wish to proceed with a formal report, the Panel may make recommendations to the academic school that the two students are not allocated into the same seminar group. 


Email: rap@sheffield.ac.uk