º£½ÇÉçÇø Executive Board minutes - 14 March 2023
14 March 2023
Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor A Blom, Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)
In attendance:
J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW); I Jones (IJ) (item 5); A Williams (AW) and M Borland (MB) (item 6)
R Sykes (RS)
D Swinn
Closed Minute and Paper
Closed Minute and Paper
Closed Minute and Paper
Closed Minute and Paper
Proposed Rents for Residential Accommodation in 2023/24
- (IJ in attendance for this item)
- UEB discussed a report setting out bed numbers, proposed rents and rent increases for 2023/24 accommodation licenced through the º£½ÇÉçÇø. These proposals followed the annual process for rent setting, taking into account financial factors, local and national market context and discussions with Catalyst Lend Lease. Attention was drawn to the consideration given to balancing inflationary pressures, which suggested the need for an 11.7% increase, with the competitiveness of the º£½ÇÉçÇø's residential offer, the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s contractual obligations, and, significantly, the ongoing cost of living challenges experienced by students themselves. The Students’ Union stated position was not to oppose below inflation rental increases.
- During discussion, UEB discussed how previous year’s increases in rent compared to both inflation and the local market, and noted that an 8% increase next year meant that rents would be around 15% lower than if inflationary increases had been applied over recent years.
- UEB agreed that an increase of 4% should be applied, with the shortfall in income made up from the funds provisionally allocated to the Student Hardship Fund, recognising that this decision would have implications for ACS’ financial performance in 2023/24.
º£½ÇÉçÇø general election manifesto asks
- (AW and MB in attendance for this item)
- UEB considered a series of proposed policy requirements, and their relative priority. These had been co-developed with business leads across the º£½ÇÉçÇø and were intended to inform forthcoming public affairs activities.
- During discussion, Members commended the report and the work that underpinned it.
Report of the IT Sub-Group
UEB received and approved the report. Particular attention was drawn to the Group’s consideration of current year performance and the impact of priority work on other Roadmaps, revisions to status reports to enable evaluation against original expectations and plans, and the Group's further planned work to review and prioritise activities to be proposed for delivery in 2023/24, including associated costs implications and capacity to deliver. It was also noted that work under the TESF was to be regarded as core business and, therefore, not be funded from strategic investment budgets.
Report of the Estates and Capital Sub-Group
UEB received and approved the report, noting the Group's most recent discussions and decisions that had not already been reported to or approved by UEB.
Round Table
Vice-President and Head of the Faculty of Engineering: KL reported that an appointment had been confirmed and approved by Council, which would be published on 15 March. On behalf of UEB, KL thanked JL for his service and contributions in the interim period.
Departmental Visits: KL reported that the departmental visits had recommenced and had received positive engagement and constructive discussions.