º£½ÇÉçÇø Executive Board minutes - 21 February 2023



21 February 2023


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor A Blom (AB), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)

In attendance:

J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW); L Carlile and L McCarthy (item 2); N Sims (item 3)




M Borland (MB)

  1. Minutes of UEB held on 15 November 2022

    • The Minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  2. Student Recruitment Update

    • (Liz Carlile and Louise McCarthy in attendance for this item)
    • UEB received and noted an update on the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s recruitment for 2023 entry based on the latest data from 8 February 2023.

    • The timing of the CIS re-hosting was also discussed.

    • UEB noted the commentary on the latest applications for 2023 entry.

  3. Technician’s Commitment

    • (Neil Sims in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered a paper proposing reorganisation of the Technician’s Commitment Working Group, which was the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s forum for supporting, initiating and progressing work in support of the national Technician Commitment Initiative.

    • Following discussion UEB:

      • Endorsed a reorganisation of the Technician’s Commitment Working Group, set out in section 3, whereby the activities were divided into:
        • A stakeholder group, the Technician Commitment Delivery Group
        • A steering group, the Technical Leadership Group;

      • Agreed that the Director of Human Resources would Chair the Leadership Group and report to UEB.
      • Agreed the other recommendations related to the Delivery Group increasing the visibility and transparency of the Technicians Commitment work, including:
        • Publishing the action plan
        • Arrangements for appointments of Delivery Group members and their time commitment
        • Fixed terms of office for Delivery Group members
  4. Closed Minute and Paper

  5. Financial Forecasts and Budget Update

    • This item was deferred to the meeting on 28 November 2022.

  6. Report of the UEB Risk Review Group

    • UEB approved the report, which provided a briefing on the discussions, key actions and decisions arising from the June meeting of the UEB Risk Review Group (RRG). Attention was drawn to the recommended amendments to the Corporate Risk Register and to a proposal to undertake an analysis each Semester to map business items at UEB with the Corporate Risks. This would enable RRG and UEB to identify areas to which UEB may need to devote more, or less, time in ensuring that appropriate mitigating actions were taking place and were effective.

    • Following a brief discussion UEB approved:

      • The most recent iteration of the 2022/23 Corporate Risk Register which would be reported to Council Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and to Council.
      • The proposed approach towards monitoring oversight of Corporate Risks through UEB business.
  7. Round Table

    • Summer Graduations: UEB considered a discussion paper regarding additional graduation ceremonies due to increased UG numbers for summer 2023 graduations. UEB agreed to hold 1-2 ceremonies on the Friday before graduation week for presentations only.

    • Key MP visits: TW updated on scheduled MP visits to the º£½ÇÉçÇø.

    • Universities Superannuation Scheme: KL updated on recent developments and anticipated next steps.

    • Industrial action: IW updated UEB and it was agreed to provide an update on industrial action to the next UEB/HoDs meeting.

    • Springer Nature: SH updated on a consultation that had recently closed and potential next steps.

    • Race Equality Charter: SF reported that a staff survey would launch on Monday 27 February 2023.

    • Departmental visits: KL updated on plans for visits to departments and Research Institutes.