º£½ÇÉçÇø Executive Board minutes - 27 June 2023
27 June 2023
Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), Professor G Jewell (GJ), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), R Sykes (RS), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)
In attendance:
J Strachan (JS); L Carlile (LC), L McCarthy (LM), T Flaherty (TF) (item 1); D Lodge (item 2); Professor W Baird (WB) (item 4)
Professor A Blom (AB), Professor G Valentine (GV)
D Swinn (DS)
Student Recruitment
- (LC, LM and TF in attendance for this item)
- Student Recruitment Update
- UEB discussed an update on the latest application figures for 2023 entry and an update on recruitment and marketing activities undertaken and planned for the remainder of the cycle. Attention was also drawn to initial reactions from China over the new QS World Rankings and latest data on tuition fee deposits, which would continue to be monitored closely as stakeholder communications and related recruitment and marketing activities continued. Analysis of updated recruitment data during July would give a clearer indication as to the likely level of overseas recruitment.
During discussion, clarification was provided about the underlying assumptions used to model Home UG recruitment and the perceived low risk of disruption to Open Days. It was further clarified that the days on which the º£½ÇÉçÇø offered its Open Days were informed by analysis of competitor behaviour and practical considerations, such as transport.
UEB considered an update report on the outcomes of Faculty scenario planning for 2023 student entry and associated recommendations on the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s approach to CA&C. This approach reflected the principle that any action to maximise intake would not be detrimental to strategic decisions in relation to institutional tariff but would allow disciplinary factors and competitiveness to be taken into account, as well as student retention. Attention was drawn to the risk of significant changes in overseas applicant/student behaviour.
Innovation Pillar Update
(DL in attendance for this item)
UEB considered an update which highlighted key achievements under the pillar; challenges and risks; and proposed a series of priorities to update the delivery plan for 2023/24 and inform resource allocation. Related proposals were also made with respect to academic leadership for aspects of the pillar. Members welcomed the report, and the extent of work that had informed it, which demonstrated the º£½ÇÉçÇø's significant strengths in impact but the need to do more to share and celebrate that excellence both internally and externally.
During discussion, clarification was provided that the prioritisation of activities was also intended to facilitate stopping or scaling back those that were not institutional priorities, informed by ongoing liaison with DDRIs and FDRIs. More generally, it was noted that whilst the most significant areas of opportunity were regional, many of these activities would be of national or international significance. Stakeholder communications would need to balance the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s regional impact with its national and global reach and future ambitions.
UEB endorsed the priorities for 2023/24 and approved the recommended approach to academic leadership, as set out in the related paper.
The Award of Unclassified Degrees
UEB considered a paper setting out options that would allow the small number of final year students disproportionately impacted by the current UCU marking and assessment boycott to receive a temporary award (Pass Degree) and attend graduation ceremonies as planned with their peers. It was noted that there was a relatively very small number of students for whom this was relevant, which was testament to the efforts of colleagues in mitigating the impact of industrial action. Members expressed their gratitude to all colleagues who had contributed to ensuring that the vast majority of students could graduate as planned with classified degrees.
Having considered each option carefully, UEB approved option 3, as set out in the related paper, as the most proportionate and effective response that would be the most beneficial to students whilst maintaining and safeguarding academic rigour. UEB also discussed the importance of managing the ongoing boycott in order to ensure the completion of marking and assessment for continuing UG students and PGT students, including those re-sitting examinations in August.
Draft º£½ÇÉçÇø Impact Strategy
(WB in attendance for this item)
UEB discussed a report summarising the outputs of the Impact Strategy Working Group and stakeholder consultations to develop an institutional Impact Strategy. UEB considered a proposed definition of impact, a series of related recommendations and next steps. A particular aspect was the need to embed impact as part of normal business, rather than it being viewed as additional, through enhanced leadership, support and visibility and by connecting impact to institutional processes such as ACP and SRDS. Additional opportunities were noted to optimise the deployment of resources towards areas of strategic priority and to make impact-related activities more inclusive, linked to REF strategy and the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s EDI policies and actions plans.
Members also discussed the importance of impact-related activities being aligned with educational objectives and of colleagues’ understanding of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s educational impact priorities in order to harness enthusiasm and ambition. It was also important to recognise the importance of Departments’ and faculties’ five year plans in delivering impact, in order to avoid duplicating effort and aligning activities.
Having noted the outputs of the Impact Strategy Working Group and the stakeholder consultations, UEB approved the definition of impact, endorsed the series of recommendations and next steps set out in the paper, with the exception of the introduction of new dedicated impact roles at departmental level for the time being, pending further consideration.
Report of the UEB Sexual Violence and Harassment Steering Group
UEB considered and approved the report.
Reports of the UEB IT Sub-Group
UEB approved the reports, noting and endorsing updates and work undertaken at the previous two ITSG meetings. It was also reported that ITSG was considering its membership with a view to including the Chairs of individual project boards as a means to better align activities and ensure that ITSG was sighted appropriately. KL had also met with IT Services colleagues to thank them personally for their work in ensuring that work to replatform the CIS system had been completed successfully.