Prepare your paper for presentation

Please follow the process you should follow to prepare your paper for presentation at UKCI 2022.

  1. Each presentation slot is 15 minutes: 10-12 minutes for presentation and the remaining few minutes for questions or discussion.
  2. This means that you should prepare a presentation that is no longer than 12 minutes (typically, this is 10-12 slides) and you must also be available on the day in-person to present your work and answer questions in your allocated slot. 
  3. There is no need to submit your presentation in advance of the conference, but you need to liaise with the session chair on the day, prior to the start of your session, to ensure your slides can be loaded/presented using the conference’s facilities with no issues.

Important notes

You may prepare your slides using software of your choice, but you need to convert your slides to PDF format for presenting on the day using the conference’s facilities. MS PowerPoint slides will also be acceptable on the day of your presentation.

No attendance/presentation on the day will also mean no publication in the conference’s proceedings.

Automatic Control and Systems Engineering

The Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE) at the º£½ÇÉçÇø of Sheffield is leading on the organisation of UKCI 2022.