Politics: The new ‘crisis of masculinity’ and the future of gender politics in Britain

Politics undergraduate students in class

Event details

Thursday 27 March 2025
12 to 1.30pm and 5 to 6.30pm


Are we facing a new crisis of masculinity? 

With greater pushes for gender equality, or even liberation, what place is there for men in contemporary British society?

In conversation with David Duriesmith, you’ll explore debates over the future of gender politics, and get a feel for what it’s like to study politics and international relations.


Please note that this is an approximate schedule and is therefore subject to change.

12 to 1.30pm session

  • 12pm - Welcome and introductions to staff and ambassadors.
  • 12.05pm - Overview of department and session.
  • 12.15pm - Taster lecture : Crisis of masculinity or crisis of gender equality? Understanding gendering politics in the 21st century.
  • 1pm - Group discussion and question and answer session

5 to 6.30pm session

  • 5pm - Welcome and introductions to staff and ambassadors.
  • 5.05pm - Overview of department and session.
  • 5.15pm - Taster lecture : Crisis of masculinity or crisis of gender equality? Understanding gendering politics in the 21st century.
  • 6pm - Group discussion and question and answer session

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For informal enquiries email tasterdays@sheffield.ac.uk

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