Interdisciplinary Talks: Understanding Emerging Urban Inequalities

Event details
Thursday 6th June, 1130-1230
Interdisciplinary Talks: Understanding Emerging Urban Inequalities
Delivered by Tanzil Shafique, School of Architecture and Nabeela Ahmed, Department of Geography
On 6-7 June 2024, the Urban Institute and Department of Urban Studies and Planning with the Doctoral Training Centre for Emerging Urban Inequalities are convening the Sheffield Urbanism PhD Workshop 2024 “Emerging Urban Inequalities”.
With more than half of humanity living in cities, our global-urban condition is increasingly diagnosed by the social sciences as a generator of deepening inequalities, poverty, social injustice and intersecting forms of exclusion. These challenges are nested within significant questions of urban governance, the relationship of cities to wider environments and to infrastructural risks. Recent urban super-heating events, the current energy crisis and significant fracture lines around race and gender highlight these challenges. Meanwhile a complex constellation of social, economic, political and health conditions have also been heavily impacted by COVID-19 in urban settings. The pandemic has appeared to distil a range of inequalities into even more toxic forms as social problems and stresses take hold in many cities. The resulting challenges include patterns of forced migration and refuge, housing overcrowding or loss, diverse environmental challenges, gendered vulnerabilities, compromised mental health outcomes, intergenerational tensions, discrimination and hate. These issues and many others are the intensifying signatures of our contemporary and forward urban condition.
All staff and students are welcome to attend the following three open sessions on 6th and 7th June 2024 in Workroom 3 of the Wave. You can register free to attend via the links by 5th June.