Co-producing Urbanisms
Cities are shaped by multiple interests, which often act in pursuit of conflicting visions. Urban challenges are complex and require different kinds of knowledge and expertise. Greater citizen participation and strengthening the municipal scale are seen as ways of addressing long-standing economic, social and spatial injustices.
These issues have led to increased interest in co-production, heralded by many as a way of addressing complex issues through bringing together different kinds of expertise to realise more just and sustainable urban futures.
This theme examines the history, processes, practices and potentials of co-production in reshaping relations between knowledge, justice and democracy at the local level.
Research Questions
- What are the different histories, traditions and practices of co-production across diverse global urban contexts?
- What are the implications of co-production for the cultural and technical modes, means and modalities of governing cities, especially in reshaping relationships between the local state and citizens?
- What are the implications of co-production for how we practice social scientific research, the roles of researchers and the wider contributions of universities to their local communities?
- Can co-production live up to its promise, and if so how?
Theme Lead:
UI members: | | AbdouMaliq Simone | Enora Robin | Hita Unnikrishnan
Associates: Lee Crookes | Matt Wood | Tim May | Ryan Bellinson (PhD) | Jenny Patient (PhD) | Ana Mendez de Andes Aldama (PhD)
Visitors: Sophie King | Zarina Patel | Bert Russell | Victoria Habermehl
- The New African Urban º£½ÇÉçÇø
- Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions
- An Even Better Arbourthorne
- Whose Heritage Matters?
- Urban Know
- Realising Just Cities
- Whose Knowledge Matters?
- Jam and Justice
- Knowledge, Politics and Smart Urbanism
- Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action
- , º£½ÇÉçÇø of Cape Town
- , Kisumu, Kenya
- Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development
- INLOGOV, º£½ÇÉçÇø of Birmingham
- Manchester Urban Institute, º£½ÇÉçÇø of Manchester
- Journal articles
Perry, B. (2022). . Methodological Innovations. DOI:
Durose, C., Perry, B. and Richardson, L. (2022). Futures, DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2022.102999
- Durose, C., Perry. B., Richardson, L. and Dean, R. (2021). , International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1960738
- Habermehl, V. and Perry, B. (2021) ‘,’ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
- Mitlin, D., Bennett, J., Horn, P., King, S., Makau, J. and Masimba Nyama, G. (2020) . European Journal of Development Research 32, 544–559.
- Richardson, L, Durose C. and Perry, B. (2019). Journal of Chinese Governance, DOI: 10.1080/23812346.2019.1595912.
- Richardson, L., Durose, C. and Perry, B. (2018) 6:1.
- Richardson, L., Durose, C. and Perry, B. (2018) .
- Perry, B., Patel, Z., Noren Bretzer, Y. and Polk, M. (2018) . Politics and Governance, 6(1), ISSN 2183-2463.
- Perry, B. and Atherton, M. (2017) Local Environment, Vol 22, 36-51.
- May, T. and Perry, B. (2016) , Local Environment, Vol.22, 23-35
- Books
- Hemström, K., Simon, D., Palmer, H., Perry, B. and Polk, M. Eds. (2021). Transdisciplinary knowledge co-production. A guide for sustainable cities. Rugby: Practical Action.
- Rigon, A and Castán Broto, V. (Eds). (2021).
- London: Routledge.
- May, T. and Perry, B. (2018) . Oxford: Routledge.
- May, T. and Perry, B. (2017) . London: Sage.
- Book chapters
- Durose, C., Perry, B. and Richardson, L. (2021) ‘Co-producing research with users and communities’. In E. Loeffler and T. Bovaird (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Co-production of Public Services and Outcomes. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Perry, B. and Russell, B. (2020) In D. Simon, H. Palmer and J. Riise (eds) Comparative Co-production. Bristol: Policy Press. p133-155.
- May, T. and Perry, B. (2016) . In J. Evans, A. Karvonen and R. Raven (eds) The Experimental City. London: Routledge.
- Reports and other outputs
- Bellinson, R (2021) Co-production in local climate politics: A messy approach to participative policy design, Policy Brief.
- Perry, B., Durose, C. and Richardson, L. with the Action Research Collective (2019) , Project report. Greater Manchester: Creative Concern.
- Perry, B., Diprose, K., King, S., Habermehl, V., Hine, I., May, T., Russell, B., Simpson, V., Spring, C. and Taylor Buck, N., with Bellinson, R., McVicar-Payling, A. and Patient, J. (2019) 2016–2019, Sheffield.
- Perry, B., Durose, C. and Richardson, L. (2019) .
- Durose, C., Richardson, L. and Perry, B. (2018) . Nature 562: 32-33.
- Mistra Urban Futures (2016) : Mistra Urban Futures.