10th Edward Bramley Law Lecture on Restorative Justice by The Rt Hon Lady Justice Rafferty, DBE

Scales and a hammer represent criminal justice

Event details

Thursday 26 October 2017
Firth Hall.


Restorative justice: is anything new under the sun by The Rt Hon Lady Justice Rafferty, DBE, Chancellor of the º£½ÇÉçÇø

This lecture considered the origins of Restorative Justice, past attempts at implementation, and possibilities for the future.

Audience feedback

"Exceptional lecture, excellent presentation and wonderful content."

"It was an amazing lecture. It gave us an opportunity to meet new and talented people."

"I really had a great time listening to Lady Rafferty speak. Restorative justice is such an interesting topic so I was happy to hear more about it from such a highly educated professional. She painted quite a picture by explaining numerous examples of restorative justice so it was very easy to follow. Thank you for this wonderful event."

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