Research facilities Our school is home to outstanding facilities which contribute to the excellent research not only within the school and the wider faculty but are also available for use by external organisations. You are here Home School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering Research Research facilities MIDAS Facility Giving academic, public and private sector organisations access to state-of-the-art equipment, to support research in the management and disposal of radioactive wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle. Find out more Sorby Centre for Electron Microscopy The Sorby Centre at the º£½ÇÉçÇø of Sheffield is a leading facility, delivering world-class research through the application of advanced electron and ion beam microscopy. The Centre’s capabilities provides, academic and industry researchers insight into the structure and chemistry of materials at the micro and nanoscale. Find out more Characterisation Small Research Facility (SRF) The Characterisation SRF specialises in thermal analysis, particle characterisation and molecular spectroscopy, and can offer a bespoke service to external customers. Find out more STX: Scanning Transmission XAS user facility X-ray absorption and emmission spectroscopy facility supporting a wide range of research to innovate and improve materials for energy applications, including nuclear fuels, energy storage, solar cells and catalysts. Find out more Diamond Pilot Plant The Diamond Pilot Plant (DiPP) The plant has three cutting edge integrated manufacturing processes at a pilot scale. DiPP has software and products sponsored by major industrial companies including, GEA, Solaris Biotech and NiTech and is also used to up-skill employees of UK companies. Find out more XRD Research Facility One of the UK’s leading diffraction-based research facilities, specialising in advanced characterisation of a wide array of solid-state materials, including ceramics, cements, refractories, metals and glasses. The Facility also offers bespoke consultancy services to both university and industrial partners. Find out more