Guidance on using our recruitment system
The following guidance is provided to support applicants using the º£½ÇÉçÇø's online recruitment system.

Transitioning between our recruitment systems
Applications made before 9 December 2024
Applications made before 9 December 2024 use a recruitment system that we are phasing out. You can still log in to this system to access applications made before 9 December 2024. No new jobs will be advertised on this system.
New applications
You can search and apply for a job at the º£½ÇÉçÇø on our new jobs site.
- Accessibility
I have a disability and am unable to use a computer/my software is not compatible with the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s recruitment system
Please contact Human Resources at to agree how we can best support you with the submission of your application.
Accessibility statement - jobs site
I do not have access to a computer
Free internet access is also available at libraries across Sheffield. You may search but not apply for vacancies at Jobcentre Plus offices, or you may prefer to use internet cafes or use the computer of a friend or family member.
- Contact us
If you have a general question regarding your application then please contact the Lead Recruiter. You will be able to find their contact details in the ‘Informal Enquiries’ section of the Job Description.
If you cannot find a resolution through the FAQs section, then please email us a description of the problem you are having, along with the job reference number and Department, to and a member of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Closing dates
At what time on the closing date does the vacancy actually close?
The recruitment system will accept applications which are submitted up to midnight on the closing date displayed in the vacancy advert. Please note, submitting your application can take anything from just a few seconds to many minutes to complete, as it is dependent on the speed of your internet connection. We recommend that clicking the Submit Application button is not left until just a few minutes before midnight.
I have missed the closing date for a vacancy, can I still submit my application?
No - the system will not allow any applications to be submitted beyond the closing date. All of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s staff vacancies are displayed on the web for a minimum of two weeks. You may choose to register for the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s email alert service to ensure you are notified as soon as a vacancy matching your job search preferences is published. For instructions on how to do this please see the section on creating email alerts.
I started my application before the closing date, can I submit it now that the closing date has passed?
No - the closing date relates to when you submit your application not when you started it. To be considered for a vacancy you must submit your application before midnight on the closing date.
All of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s staff vacancies are displayed on the web for a minimum of two weeks. You may choose to register for the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s email alert service to ensure you are notified as soon as a vacancy matching your job search preferences is published. For instructions on how to do this please see the section on creating email alerts.
I have had problems using/understanding the system so can I submit my application after the closing date?
No. If you require further assistance, email with the specific details of the problems you have encountered and we will be happy to help you submit your application before the closing date. Please note, the email account is checked regularly between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.
All of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s staff vacancies are displayed on the web for a minimum of two weeks. You may choose to register for the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s email alert service to ensure you are notified as soon as a vacancy matching your job search preferences is published. For instructions on how to do this please see the section on creating email alerts.
I ran out of time/had problems with the system so I have emailed my application instead, will I be considered for the vacancy?
No - we are only able to accept and process applications submitted on-line within the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s recruitment system. If you require further assistance, email with the specific details of the problems you have encountered and we will be happy to help you submit your application before the closing date. Please note, the email account is checked regularly between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.
All of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s staff vacancies are displayed on the web for a minimum of two weeks. You may choose to register for the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s email alert service to ensure you are notified as soon as a vacancy matching your job search preferences is published. For instructions on how to do this please see the section on creating email alerts.
- Compatible browsers
Browsers and pop-ups
The º£½ÇÉçÇø's recruitment system is SAP based. The following common browsers are supported by SAP:
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Please be aware that toolbars that you can install such as Google and Yahoo have their own pop-up blocker settings, in addition to those in your browser. These toolbars can cause the recruitment system to "freeze" and you may hear a clicking sound as the system unsuccessfully tries to open a new window. You should either uninstall these toolbars or change their settings to allow popups at before proceeding.Tablet devices/Smartphones
The common mobile operating systems used on tablets and smartphones, such as iOS and Android, are supported.
Pop-up blockers
The application form and vacancy details open in new windows. Applicants are asked to ensure that pop-up blockers are either turned off or allowed for Your browser should prompt you if it blocks a pop-up window allowing you to amend the settings from within the browser window.
Further assistance
If you require any further assistance when using a supported browser with the º£½ÇÉçÇø's recruitment system, please email details to and we will be happy to provide additional support. Please note, this email address is checked Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding public holidays.
- Completing an application
I would prefer to submit a paper application or email an electronic version.
Applications should be submitted via our recruitment system. Please see the section on accessibility if you are not able to submit an online application due to a disability.
Do I have to fill in all the information each time I apply for a º£½ÇÉçÇø of Sheffield vacancy?
The º£½ÇÉçÇø’s recruitment system will save most of the historical information that is specific to you as a person i.e. your personal details, your educational qualifications and your work experience. You can change or add information in these sections during future applications. This information is held confidentially. Details of the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s data privacy policy and how this relates to our recruitment system is available via a hyperlink on the registration page and also available via your candidate profile.
Information that is specific to the job i.e. where you saw the vacancy, your referees and your application statement, which should be tailored to the requirements of job, needs to be keyed in for each application. You are able to copy and paste information into the application statement field.
You are also required to make declarations in relation to your eligibility to work in the UK, professional registrations, criminal record status and details of any health issues you would like to highlight, each time you apply as these are areas where your status may change over time or be affected by the type of role you are applying for.
Do I need to complete and submit my application all in one go?
No - you may do this if you wish but the system will save the information you enter and you may return to it later to complete and submit your application, if this is more convenient for you.
How do I return to an application I was previously working on?
You are able to edit and add to an application until the closing date of the job posting.
To edit an application you started previously, log back into the system using the account details you either created for yourself or were sent by email when an account was automatically created by the system on your behalf. Click on 'View my candidate profile'. If you have already submitted your application, go to 'Jobs Applied' and click on the application you want to amend. Update the information you wish to update, then click 'Update' in order to save.
If you part way through your application, click on the 'View my candidate profile', then scroll down and click on 'Saved Applications'. Click on the application you want to amend. Update the information you wish to update, then click 'Update' in order to save.
How do I edit the information I have entered in the Education and Training and Previous Employment sections?
Log back into the system using the account details you either created for yourself or were sent by email when an account was automatically created by the system on your behalf. Click on 'View my candidate profile'.
To amend your previous employment details, scroll down the page and click on the 'Previous Employment' drop down. Here you can amend the information. To amend your education and training information, scroll down and click on the 'Education and Training' drop down.
Ensure that you click 'Save' at the bottom of the page once you have finished to save your amendments.
Which document formats can I upload and attach to my application?
Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF) and PDF document formats are all supported. Any attachments uploaded in these formats will always be considered as part of your application.
You are able to attach documents in other formats e.g. examples of work in software regularly used within your particular discipline, but the º£½ÇÉçÇø cannot guarantee that the department recruiting to the vacancy will have the relevant software to access your attachment.
I have made an error in my application, can I change it?
You are able to edit and add to an application until the closing date of the job posting.
To edit an application you started previously, log back into the system using the account details you either created for yourself or were sent by email when an account was automatically created by the system on your behalf. Click on 'View my candidate profile'. If you have already submitted your application, go to 'Jobs Applied' and click on the application you want to amend. Update the information you wish to update, then click 'Update' in order to save.
If you part way through your application, click on the 'View my candidate profile', then scroll down and click on 'Saved Applications'. Click on the application you want to amend. Update the information you wish to update, then click 'Update' in order to save.
- Creating email alerts
You can create email Alerts for º£½ÇÉçÇø of Sheffield staff vacancies by logging into your account. Click on 'View my candidate profile', click the 'Options' drop down and then click 'Job Alerts'.
Once on the 'Job Alerts' screen, click 'Create New Job Alert'. You can then create an alert for the job title you are interested in using the 'Search for Job' search bar, and/or by location in the 'Search by Location' search bar. Once you have entered what you are interested in, click 'Preview Alert'. You then need to click 'Get Job Alerts for This Search'.
You can view, amend and delete your alerts by clicking on 'View my candidate profile', click the 'Options' drop down and then click 'Job Alerts'.
- Logging in
I can’t remember the password I created, how do I request a new one?
Click on 'View my candidate profile'. This will take you to the sign in screen. Click on 'Forgot your password?'. Input your email address. The system will send you an email to reset your password.
I can’t remember my username/I’ve deleted the email your system sent me, how do I find out my username?
Your username is the email with which you signed up.
- Navigation
I can’t move off the first screen
There are mandatory fields, marked with a red asterisk, on the application screen which you must complete before you are able to move on to other screens within your application.
- Progress and correspondence
I have submitted my application, how will I know if I am successful?
Once the vacancy has closed, the selection panel will review every application that has been submitted and agree which candidates they would like to interview for the role. All candidates will be notified by email as to whether they have been successful at this stage. If there are any significant delays to the selection process due to panel members’ commitments you will be sent an email to inform you.
I would prefer not to be contacted by email, is this possible?
The correspondence automatically generated by the system will be sent by email e.g. details of your account, requesting a new password, confirmation that your application has been submitted and completion of a pre-employment health assessment questionnaire, where relevant, if you are successful. However, if it is difficult for you to access the email address you have supplied you may request that you are contacted by alternative means, with regard to interviews only, in your Application Statement.
I no longer wish to be considered for the vacancy, how do I withdraw my application?
To withdraw an application you started previously, log back into the system using the account details you either created for yourself or were sent by email when an account was automatically created by the system on your behalf. Click on 'View my candidate profile'. If you have already submitted your application, go to 'Jobs Applied' and click on the application you want to withdraw and click 'Withdraw'.
If you part way through your application, click on the 'View my candidate profile', then scroll down and click on 'Saved Applications'. Click on the application you want to withdraw. Click on 'Withdraw'.
- Searching for a vacancy
You are able to display all the º£½ÇÉçÇø’s vacancies by simply clicking the ‘Search’ button, or you can search for keywords or certain locations.
- Submitting your application
How do I submit my application?
When you have found the job you want to apply for, click on the job. This will bring up more information about the role.
When you want to apply for the role, click 'Apply now'. You will be taken to the application screen. You will at least need to fill in the mandatory fields in order to submit your application. Once you have done this, click 'Apply'.