Current students

Projects list arranged by cohort.

A photo of IDCMC Student
2019 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor

EngD - Advanced manufacturing methods for aerospace actuation systems

Slatter, Tom

EngD - Process monitoring during grinding of novel aerospace grade materials

Manson, Graeme

EngD - Ultrasonic assisted machining of composite materials

Slatter, Tom

EngD - Distortion and Residual Stress Management during High-Tolerance Piston Manufacture

Pinna, Christophe

EngD - Non-conventional cutting processes for CFRP materials

Fairclough, Patrick

EngD - Cryogenic and CO2 Coolants in during machining of next generation aircraft grade materials

Slatter, Tom

EngD - Investigating the interactions of metalworking fluids and its additives with aerospace alloys

Dwyer-Joyce, Rob

2018 Cohort
Student Name Project Title Academic Supervisor Industrial Sponsor
PhD - Machining distortion analysis and control during hybrid machining processes

Ghadbeigi, Hassan

EngD - Driveline and transmission of the future

Goodall, Russell

EngD - Development of Cutting Tool Technology for Ceramic Milling of Nickel Alloys

Slatter, Tom

EngD - Providing novel experimental methods to improve commercialisation of cutting fluids to aerospace manufacturing markets

Zimmerman, Will

PhD - Investigation of the WC-Co/CFRP and diamond/CFRP tribo-systems by thermo-mechanical finite element analysis

Fairclough, Patrick

Soto, Camilo EngD - Vibration Modelling in High Production Rate Aerospace Machining

Sims, Neil

EngD - Evaluation of advanced grinding platform technologies for high performance aerospace machining applications

Lewis Roger w.e.f. Oct 2019 (formerly Ghadbeigi, Hassan)


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